Thursday, October 1, 2009

A moment of peace...

I'm sitting in a quiet hospital room watching Project Runway with Emily. Ok, maybe not quiet, but quiet for an ICU unit. It is a day of praise! Emily completed her first treatment of chemo yesterday, and is now doing great! The dr. was just here, and said she is completely stable, except for being intubated. She is just on enough sedation to tolerate the tube, and had several visitors, and enjoyed interacting with them. She communicates through a white board, and can carry on a conversation while writing fast! She seems SO much better. There is still no evidence the tumor is shrinking, so PLEASE pray for a miracle. We are doing well as a family thanks to our dear, dear friends and family. We have pastors from churches all over town stopping in to say she is on their prayer list. We are receiving cards from all over the country thanks to all of you passing on the prayer request. Our God is an awesome God and may God Bless you all for your help in getting us through this tough time.
PS. The nurse just posted a note on our door explaining post-chemo requests:
If you are sick, please don't visit, please wash your hands when you enter/exit the room, no flowers or open food in her room


  1. What a great way to start my morning...finding out that Emily is doing so much better! I will be up as soon as I am done with this cold...maybe this weekend. Give Emily a big hug!

  2. Love that great news and I love the fact that Emily is getting stronger and has stabilized! Those moments of peace are so great in a busy hospital and very rare. You are in our daily thoughts and prayers! Give Emily a gentle hug for us and hugs to you all!

  3. What good news. Now let's get the tumor shrunk and the tube out! More prayers coming your way.
    Emily, you're doing great in extraordinary circumstances.

    Edie & Tom

  4. Great news. Little steps first tolerating the chemo then the tumor shrinks then a full recovery.
    It will happen.
    Joe and Candy

  5. Emily, Anita, Jim (and Matt)

    Cathy and I want to tell you that we are praying for you. It was great to see Emily today, she really looks great and boy is she one tough cookie. It was fun to talk about old times, like when she and Tim were married (inside joke!). Cathy has talked to some folks, like Marci Weidman to get in touch with Nichole, and has tried calling Tess and others. We will get together a group of prayer warriors so watch out!

    We love you all and want you to know that if you need anything to call us.

    Cathy and Tim Carney.
