Friday, February 19, 2010

Great, Great News!!!

Emily completed chemo #10 yesterday, and got her shot today. I don't know if it is because they took one chemo away or what, but chemo is not making her feel as bad as usual. That is a good thing! Everything looked great yesterday, her blood counts were good, and no problems of any kind. Just 2 more chemos and shots to go!

We had a pulmonologist appointment today, and got more great news. They did 2 chest xrays and as the Dr. said, "they are perfect". He was very impressed, and I got the feeling he was not easily impressed. He said there was absolutely no indications of any damage at all. He said there was some minor scarring, but probably not even from chemo, just from life that we all have. He said repeatedly that he was very impressed that with all she has been through, there is no evidence of any negatives. Once again, thank you all for your prayers, God is an awesome God and is bigger than cancer!


  1. I love hearing this...I am so happy for all of you. Go, Emily!

  2. "Blessed be the LORD, because He has heard of my supplications!" Psalm 28:6
    I am so thankful we serve a God who hears and answers our prayers. So happy for Emily. Love that girl and her grit and determination. Best news ever!

  3. Praise the Lord---what awesome news! Emily has been in our prayers constantly--as well as her family:) We rejoice and give thanks with all of you! The Crews

  4. We are thrilled for ALL of you!!!!Go Emily and Thank You Lord so much for this joyful news!!!

  5. WONDERFUL news!! Emily has such an inspiring story to share!

  6. And again I say "REJOICE!!!" So happy to hear this awesome report and rejoice with all of you!
    Mike and Carolyn Gates
